Visitors to the Banga are obliged to abide by the established internal rules
Wearing a helmet is mandatory in our park
Your equipment and shoes must be clean
Scooters and BMX must have bar ends
Please do not eat or snack on Banga sofas
Children under 9 years of age must be supervised by an accompanying person
Do not wax the park’s rails yourself
Food and glass containers are not allowed in the ramp area
Please do not push Banga furniture
All minors wishing to ride in our park must obtain parental consent.
You can fill out the parental consent form on site or download this form, which your parents or guardians must fill out and sign. Send the signed form to
You can follow the rules
Get to know the rest here :
All visitors under the age of 18 must have parental consent to visit our park.
You can sign it upon arrival or by downloading the form below.
- All visitors to Banga Ramp Park (hereinafter referred to as Banga Ramp Park) of UAB „We Ride Together“ must sign a liability agreement, minors must present a consent signed by their parents or guardians, which confirms the fact of familiarization with the Internal Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Rules). A Visitor is any person in the park who has purchased a ticket, received a permit or entered the park in another manner established by the operator of Banga Ramp Park (hereinafter referred to as the Operator) (hereinafter referred to as the Visitor).
- A Visitor is granted the right to be and exercise in Banga Ramp Park only in accordance with the provisions of the Rules, after purchasing a Visitor ticket at the reception before entering the ramp park. Each Visitor who purchases a ticket or enters the Banga Ramp Park area in any other way automatically confirms that he/she is familiar with the Rules and undertakes to comply with them unconditionally.
- For minors under 18 years of age, the consent is signed by a legal representative (parents, guardians, etc.). This representative is fully responsible for the minor under 18 years of age, including, but not limited to, responsibility for the minor and any material and non-material damage caused to him/her, his/her health and safety.
- Children under 9 years of age and persons with disabilities have the right to visit the Banga Ramp Park area only when accompanied by adults who are fully responsible for the care and safety of these Visitors. Accompanying adults, together with their supervised persons, are responsible for compliance with these Rules.
- Banga Ramp Park employees do not check whether persons accompanying children under 9 years of age and (or) persons with disabilities, who are not the parents or guardians of these accompanied Visitors, have the right to accompany the persons they supervise to the Banga Ramp Park area (authorization issued by parents or guardians, consent, etc.).
- Each Visitor assesses the suitability of the extreme sports ramp park for themselves, taking into account personal skills. The Visitor assumes all risks for himself and his physical health. Banga Ramp Park does not guarantee the safety of the Visitor and is not responsible for accidents, their consequences, as well as for the Visitor’s health impairment or death.
- The following general safety rules apply to the Visitor while at Banga Ramp Park, which he must comply with:
7.1. the obligation to behave in a manner that does not pose a danger or cause harm to himself, others and the Operator, to inform the park staff about dangerous or inappropriate behavior of other persons, the obligation to comply with the verbal requirements and instructions of the Operator’s employees;
7.2. The Visitor’s obligation to behave respectfully in the park, not to insult, intimidate, mock or use violence towards other Visitors or staff members;
7.3. Visitors must wear a helmet while riding, ride only with clean and technically sound equipment, and make sure that the wheels of the equipment are clean before entering the park. Knee, elbow and other body protection are optional, but recommended. Riding (rolling) outside the ramp area is prohibited;
7.4. It is prohibited to have objects that may fall out, as well as sharp objects, while exercising;
7.5. It is prohibited to visit persons suffering from infectious, viral or other contagious diseases, as well as persons with open wounds and/or other health disorders that may pose a threat to the health and/or life of the person himself or other Visitors;
7.6. prohibition of sports for persons with health problems whose diseases may be aggravated due to the use of the facilities located in Banga Ramp Park (adrenaline, physical activity, etc.);
7.7. prohibition of visiting by persons intoxicated with alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic substances;
7.8. prohibition of eating, drinking or smoking in places not designated for this purpose, as well as in the ramp area;
7.9. obligation to maintain order and cleanliness in the park. Garbage must be sorted into designated trash cans. Visitors are allowed to bring soft drinks and water only in sealed, unbreakable containers;
7.10. obligation for Visitors to arrange their belongings and inventory neatly so as not to disturb other Visitors, and not to leave items overnight, unless they use (if provided) a storage and warehousing service for an additional fee;
7.11. the obligation to comply with the following procedure for movement in the ramp area:
- before starting to move and drive on the ramps, it is necessary to look around and make sure that it is safe to drive at that moment, that you choose a direction that will not conflict with the direction of travel of another visitor;
- the priority to choose the direction of travel will always be given to the first person to enter the ramps;
- before driving on the ramps, you must make sure that there is enough space on the ramps at that time and that you will not create a risk of collision;
- it is mandatory to wait for your turn to drive on the ramp platforms and as far away as possible from the directions of travel, taking into account all possible directions in which the person driving at that time may drive;
- when waiting for your turn or resting, you must choose a place that will not interfere with the people driving;
- do not wax or cover the ramp structures with other means;
- it is prohibited to stand at the bottom of the ramp area, except when the Operator allows it during special events, when small ramps are being built.
7.12. Visitors undertake to use the Banga Ramp Park infrastructure in a careful, orderly and responsible manner;
7.13. prohibition of using three-wheeled scooters, folding scooters, shoes with wheels on the heels and any motorized vehicles in Banga Ramp Park;
7.14. prohibition of spectators from entering the ramp area of the park.
- The Visitor is responsible for any damage and losses caused to third parties and/or the Operator due to their actions or inaction.
- Parents, guardians or other adults accompanying them are responsible for familiarizing minors and disabled persons who arrive with them with the Banga Ramp Park Rules and for compliance with these Rules.
- If the Visitor fails to comply with the requirements specified in the Rules or in the event of other important circumstances, the park employee may ask the person who violated the rules or all park Visitors involved in the incident to immediately leave the ramp park, without the Operator being reimbursed for the price of the purchased tickets. The Operator has the right to prohibit such a Visitor from visiting Banga Ramp Park for a limited or indefinite period.
- Banga Ramp Park and its employees are not responsible for the personal belongings of the Visitors, their safety, theft, damage to inventory or any losses incurred in connection therewith.
- The Operator is not responsible for accidents or losses resulting from the Visitor’s violation of the provisions of the Rules or legal acts, or the general duty to act with care and diligence.
- For the purpose of property and Visitor protection, Banga Ramp Park is equipped with video surveillance cameras. Persons entering the park territory agree to be monitored by cameras. Video surveillance by cameras is regulated by the Operator’s approved Video Data Processing Rules.
- Visitors agree to be photographed and filmed in the park area and agree that the images may be freely published free of charge for the purpose of raising awareness and representing Banga Ramp Park in the public space.